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China Highlights

Im Überblick:

A journey of discovery across China from Hong Kong to Beijing by train, boat and plane|Relax in the stunning limestone landscapes of China's tranquil South|Discover the amazing Terracotta Army and iconic Great Wall

10 Tage
Nächste Abfahrt
Preise ab
± CHF 1.861,00
Preis pro Tag
± CHF 186,00
Tour Type

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  • Karte, Reiseziele
  • Explore!
China Highlights
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Map: China Highlights (Explore!)

Im Überblick

A journey of discovery across China from Hong Kong to Beijing by train, boat and plane|Relax in the stunning limestone landscapes of China's tranquil South|Discover the amazing Terracotta Army and iconic Great Wall

Tag 1
Join Trip In Hong Kong
Tag 2
Discover Hong Kong's Waterfront And The Li Yuen St...
Tag 3
Travel To Guilin By High Speed Train, Free Evening...
Tag 4
Li River Cruise Past Dramatic Limestone Scenery To...
Tag 5
Free Time In The Beautiful Setting Of Yangshuo. La...
Tag 6
Discover Xian's Giant Wild Goose Pagoda And The Ch...
Tag 7
Visit The Impressive Terracotta Army And Take An O...
Tag 8
Explore Beijing - The Forbidden City And Walk Thro...
Tag 9
Walk On The Incredible Great Wall At The Mutianyu ...
Tag 10
Trip Ends In Beijing

Reiseländer (2): China, Hongkong und Macao

Reiseziele (6): Great Wall of China, Guilin, Hong Kong, Peking, Xian, Yangshuo


From the modern skyscrapers of Hong Kong to the imperial palaces of Beijing, this trip offers a great introduction to China. Catch the bullet train to Guilin, admire dramatic limestone scenery on a river cruise through vast paddy fields flanked by vast limestone stacks, visit Terracotta Warriors and walk on the Great Wall.

Hong Kong - Explore this bustling metropolis, an interesting mixture of modern life and ancient traditions

Xian - Visit the Terracotta Army of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi and admire the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

Beijing - Walk a section of the Great Wall, explore Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City



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Ihr Reiseziel


Hong Kong

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GruppenreisenDies ist eine organisierte Gruppenreise: die Reiseroute wurde vom Reiseveranstalter vorgegeben. Die Reiseziele, Dauer, Unterkünfte, das Abreisedatum und der Preis sind festgelegt. Sie können sich anmelden, mitmachen, genießen und andere Leute treffen.

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